Av og til kan man lure på om programmerere noen gang gjør fullstendig testing av programmene sine. PC|SCHEMATIC Automation trenger en real gjennomgang. Blir ikke PC|SCHEMATIC Automation avsluttet skikkelig, så blir *.$pr-filer liggende i katalogen til programmet. Dette blir oppdaget neste gang PC|SCHEMATIC Automation starter opp, og da starter en evigvarende runddans mellom å velge […]

Read More → PC|SCHEMATIC Automation og gjenopprettingsfiler

Update 2014-11-30 Upgrading to Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.20 removed the timeout messages shown below. The bug was acknowledged in the change log as Storage: fixed an interrupt acknowledge issue causing hanging guests or slower I/O (4.3.18 regression) Since upgrading Oracle VirtualBox from 4.3.16 to 4.3.18 on my Windows 7 x64 host, most of my FreeBSD guests […]

Read More → VirtualBox 4.3.18 and AHCI

«Læreren er gradvis endret fra [en] fagperson med tyngde i sitt fag, til en rapportskrivende figur i klasserommet styrt av politiske krefter.» Fra Teknisk ukeblad, «Regjeringen fjerner muligheten for å gå rett fra yrkesfag til ingeniørutdanning».

Read More → Den stakkars lærer

Two Ricoh MP C5502’s exhibited the same symptoms, they were both stuck at updating their @remote certificates. If you have this problem, you’ll notice a message in the bottom left corner of the screen on the MFPs. The MFPs were fully functional, but nevertheless I wanted to get @remote up and running again.

Read More → Ricoh MP C5502 stuck at updating @remote certificate

Strangely enough, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) fails to register javaws.exe as the handler for .jnlp files when installed in Windows 8/8.1. Just remember to choose javaws.exe, not java.exe nor javaw.exe. Further more, Blackboard Collaborate insists on using 64-bit JRE on 64-bit Windows, i.e. visit the directories and files usually found in C:\Program Files\Java, not the ones […]

Read More → Blackboard Collaborate, Java Runtime Environment, and Windows 8/8.1

I tried to install some construction estimation software requiring MS SQL Server 2008 on a computer running Windows 8 only to encounter an unusual anomaly. MS SQL Server 2008 refused to install due to corrupted performance counters. The error message was kind enough to mention http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300956, but you should really go and visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2554336.

Read More → Manually rebuild Performance Counters