dns/bind910 gained native chroot support in r382109. Those of us who used to store the BIND files in /var/named/etc/namedb and ran BIND with /var/named as the chroot environment, must do five things:

  1. Rename the /var/named directory to something else, like /var/Named. This is to avoid upsetting make -C /usr/src delete-old and still retain the meaning of the directory’s name.
  2. Rename the /var/Named/etc/namedb directory to /var/Named/usr/local/etc/namedb.
  3. Edit /var/Named/usr/local/etc/namedb/named.conf to reflect that the BIND files now resides in /usr/local/etc/namedb, as seen from within the chroot environment.
  4. Change the appropriate line in /etc/rc.conf to read named_chrootdir="/var/Named".
  5. Restart BIND using /usr/local/etc/rc.d/named restart, or start BIND using /usr/local/etc/rc.d/named start if the former fails.