Configuring X11 is more or less a dark art, and you must almost be a wizard of the Slytherine House to get modern 1.14.7 working on a FreeBSD guest in VirtualBox. Nonetheless, through lots of experimentation this evening, have I finally arrived at this configuration file: Somehow, you need both the InputClass and the […]

Read More → Configuring on FreeBSD guests running in VirtualBox

Update 2014-11-30 Upgrading to Oracle VirtualBox 4.3.20 removed the timeout messages shown below. The bug was acknowledged in the change log as Storage: fixed an interrupt acknowledge issue causing hanging guests or slower I/O (4.3.18 regression) Since upgrading Oracle VirtualBox from 4.3.16 to 4.3.18 on my Windows 7 x64 host, most of my FreeBSD guests […]

Read More → VirtualBox 4.3.18 and AHCI

I have a bunch of FreeBSD VMs running in VirtualBox. They all share a number of virtual harddrives, and among them are a virtual harddrive with the common contents of /var/db/ports. My ports configuration of emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions have the OPENGL and X11 options set. This is useless on some of my simpler VMs, as those VMs […]

Read More → Local slave port for emulators/virtualbox-ose-additions without OpenGL and X11