Jeg børstet støvet av noen tilårskomne filer forleden dag. Jeg fant et lite program som jeg skrev en gang i 2000. Programmet teller ned til slutten av Unix-epoken. Den opprinnelige definisjonen av datatypen time_t, 32-bit heltall med fortegn, vil få overflyt i midten av januar 2038. Moderne 64-bit OS som FreeBSD/amd64 9.0 har for lengst […]

Read More → endofepoch.c

George Mamalakis was having trouble with ZFS not detecting and utilizing his resized GPT freebsd-zfs partitions. Marco van Tol came to the rescue with a corrective procedure. Credit goes to George Mamalakis for raising the issue and to Marco van Tol for the solution. I’m just a simple bystander in comparison to these two, fine […]

Read More → Resizing mirrored ZFS root pool

The switch to new hardware finally happened. This is the first server to run FreeBSD/amd64 under my supervision. ZFS is used for all storage on this server. I chose to install the newly released FreeBSD/amd64 9.0-RELEASE, before upgrading to FreeBSD/amd64 9.0-STABLE by source. It’s just a matter of preference, given my 13-14 years of experience […]

Read More → New server and first attempt at running FreeBSD/amd64 with ZFS for all storage

Gone are the old MFS root fs image and the sysinstall utility. To create a useable ZFS root fs from the 9.0-RELEASE DVD we must specify an alternate location for the temporary zpool.cache file and an alternate mountpoint for the ZFS root fs by using a command like: zpool create -o cachefile=/tmp/zpool.cache -m /tmp/zroot zroot […]

Read More → ZFS root fs on FreeBSD 9.0