Having access to “Azure Dev Tools for Teaching” (formerly known as MS Imagine, MS DreamSpark, and MSDN Academic Alliance) for training and experimentation has its perks, but I miss the ability to show certain desktop icons without activating Windows 10 and/or Server 2019. Here’s how.

Read More → Desktop icons in modern Windows

Sometimes security is on the border of being ridiculous. Modern Windows 10 is very anxious when connecting to guest-access allowed, readonly Samba shares, Here’s how to allow “insecure” guest logons for stand-alone computers. The same is true when configuring a GPO. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4046019/guest-access-smb2-disabled-by-default-in-windows-10-server-2016.

Read More → Connecting to guest-access allowed, readonly Samba shares

While trying to log in on our Novell servers using Client for OES 2 SP4 IR7a on Windows 10 1709, I was greeted with: A required network service has not started. Please check your error log for details. The third reply of this post gave me a clue, simply run setup.exe one more time and […]

Read More → Client for OES 2 SP4 IR7a on Windows 10 1709

Error 0x800F081F while installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 might be due to corporate WSUS servers not allowing such updates. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU in the Windows registry and set UseWUServer to 0 (zero). Restart the Windows Update service (net stop wuauserv & net start wuauserv) and retry installing .NET Framework 3.5. Set UseWUServer back […]

Read More → Error 0x800F081F while installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10

One or more of the recent updates for Windows 10 rendered my laptop incapable of communicating with the outside world. The Windows Firewall failed to run due to Base Filtering Engine not being able to run either. It’s the dreaded “Error 5: Access denied” error message all over again. Windows 10 also thought it was […]

Read More → Windows 10 wedges itself

The Office 365 instance installed on a student’s laptop showed signs of not being activated and in need of an update. Clicking on any of the small buttons below the ribbon made no difference. Running Office updates manually from “File → Account → Update” gave us an error message: 30125-28 (404). Running sfc /scannow with […]

Read More → Office 365 and error 30125-28 (404)

Yesterday, a student installed Autodesk Revit 2018 on his Windows 10 x64 laptop. He then upgraded to Revit 2018.1. After entering the licensing details, Revit crashed. Installing the latest drivers from nVidia, currently at version 385.41, and rebooting the laptop saved us from any more grief.

Read More → Revit 2018.1 and GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Updates to Trend Micro OfficeScan last week resulted in four cases of BAD_POOL_HEADER and STOP 0x19. Reboot to safe mode, uninstall Trend Micro OfficeScan, reboot, and reinstall Trend Micro OfficeScan. One additional positive outcome was the firmware update we conducted simultaneously.

Read More → BAD_POOL_HEADER and Trend Micro OfficeScan