mosh 1.2.5 is out, but not yet available as a CygWin package. I decided I should upgrade my CygWin installation in preparation. That proved not so fruitful.

The new mintty 2.1.1 crashed with the infamous STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION stack dump. I’m a bit surprised there’s no mintty-debuginfo package as it would make it easier to know what’s going on.

Note that upgrading to mintty 2.1.2 and upgrading w32api-runtime and w32api-headers to their latest versions solved my issue.

rax=000007FEFB3A3430 rbx=000000000022C5D0 rcx=00000000000A0298
rdx=000000000022C4B0 rsi=000000010042A900 rdi=000000000022C5CC
r8 =000000000022C458 r9 =00000000000A0298 r10=0000000000000000
r11=0000000000000287 r12=0000000000000120 r13=0000000000000230
r14=0000000600042390 r15=0000000000000122
rbp=000000000022C550 rsp=000000000022C488
program=G:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe, pid 2720, thread main
cs=0033 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
Frame        Function    Args
0000022C550  7FEFB3A3430 (0000022C550, 00000000000, 0010042A900, 00000000000)
0000022C550  0010040FAEA (0000022C550, 0010042A900, 00000000230, 0060005A370)
0000022C550  0010041B3EA (00000000000, 00000000001, 00000000030, FF0700010302FF00)
0000022CBC0  00180048410 (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
00000000000  001800460DC (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
00000000000  00180046174 (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
00000000000  00100419EF1 (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
00000000000  00100401010 (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
00000000000  000773659CD (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
00000000000  0007749B981 (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000)
End of stack trace

My current solution was to search for mintty in setup-x86_64.exe. You’ll find it in both the Base and the Shells categories. Click as many times as needed on the double arrow button to downgrade to mintty 2.0.3. Click on the Next button and so on to complete the downgrade.