After upgrading a test VM to 14.0-CURRENT this week, I was greeted with a large Terminus font.

FreeBSD with UEFI in Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.18 with large Terminus font

FreeBSD with UEFI in Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.18 with large Terminus font

While quite suitable when teaching FreeBSD, I prefer the original, smaller font.

Adding this to /etc/rc.conf did the trick:

allscreens_flags="-f 8x16 vgarom-8x16.fnt"

If you don’t want to reboot right away, run this three-liner expressed in C Shell syntax:

foreach ttyv ( /dev/ttyv* )
vidcontrol -f 8x16 vgarom-8x16.fnt < $ttyv > $ttyv

The result speak for itself.

FreeBSD with UEFI in Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.18 with normal vgarom font

FreeBSD with UEFI in Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.18 with normal vgarom font

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