For some reason a rebooted Security Onion manager node is perceived as a combined manager-search node (this is my hypothesis), filling up the /nsm filesystem with unnecessary, large amounts of data. Here are four shell scripts I find useful.

See discussion #11062 over at GitHub.

As soon as I can login on the rebooted manager, I run this shell script:


sudo so-elasticsearch-query _cluster/settings -d '{ "transient" : { "cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip" : "" } }' -XPUT


Remember to change the IPv4 address to that of the manager node.

At some point, I might need to make this permanent:


sudo so-elasticsearch-query _cluster/settings -d '{ "persistent" : { "cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip" : "" } }' -XPUT


Use this shell script to detect any replicas:


#sudo so-elasticsearch-query _cat/shards | awk '/UN/{print $1}'
sudo so-elasticsearch-shards-list | awk '/UN/{print $1}'


Use this shell script to remove any replicas:


#for index in `sudo so-elasticsearch-query _cat/shards | awk '/UN/{print $1}'`; do
for index in `sudo so-elasticsearch-shards-list | awk '/UN/{print $1}'`; do
  echo "${index}:";
  sudo so-elasticsearch-query $index/_settings -d '{"number_of_replicas":0}' -XPUT
  echo; echo


If necessary, restart the elastalert container on the manager:

sudo so-elastalert-restart

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