Fra slutten av en matteprøve datert 1989-01-16: Oppgave Û. KUN FOR DE GLUPESTE KALKULATORISTENE!! Dersom du er en av dem, gjør følgende: 1: Tast inn alderen din (HELE ÅR!). 2: Legg til tallet 10611. 3: Divider resultatet med 3. 4: Trekk fra eksakt 1/3 av alderen din. 5: Snu kalkulatoren 180° og les hva du […]

Read More → Matteprøve 1989-01-16

One of my MySQL 5.7.12 instances refused to start after upgrading to FreeBSD’s MySQL port version 5.7.12_1, claiming: 2016-05-18T11:03:26.688719Z 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: The Auto-extending innodb_system data file ‘/var/db/mysql/ibdata1’ is of a different size 4864 pages (rounded down to MB) than specified in the .cnf file: initial 8192 pages, max 0 (relevant if non-zero) pages! “Googling” […]

Read More → MySQL 5.7.12 refusing to run due to innodb_system data file ‘/var/db/mysql/ibdata1’ being too small

I too was bitten by the portupgrade uninstall error, due to broken pipes, on my laptop running FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10. Others have identified the file 5.26 utility as the culprit, introduced in stable/10 as r298920. Watch PR 209211 for any progress. base/head was corrected at r299234, and stable/10 will follow soon.

Read More → portupgrade uninstall error, broken pipe