Category: English
Stuff written in English
UEFI, GPT, Windows 10, FreeBSD 10, and rEFInd
Over the last few days have I experimented with UEFI and GPT in VirtualBox 4.3.26. The goal was to multiboot various operating system, in this case Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview 9926 x64 and FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10. First, I thought of persuading the UEFI firmware to always present its boot menu. It sure beats remembering to […]
Read More → UEFI, GPT, Windows 10, FreeBSD 10, and rEFIndiTunes leakage or email address harvest?
I received a suspicious looking email today, claiming someone had made a purchase in Russia using my iTunes ID. A trip to iTunes revealed no such purchase. Nevertheless, I changed my password again, as I suspect this false claim might be the result of an iTunes leakage or someone harvesting email address in the hope […]
Read More → iTunes leakage or email address harvest?Exploiting Utilman.exe to recover Windows passwords
Sometimes you must do bad things to regain control of Windows. Yes, I know there are simpler ways, but this laundry list does work.
Read More → Exploiting Utilman.exe to recover Windows passwordsWhen does the 64-bit Unix time_t really end?
Inspired by Numberphile‘s YouTube video on the end of (Unix) time, I began crunching some numbers, pondering the end of 64-bit time_t. Numberphile arrived at December 4th, in the year 292,277,026,596, and I wanted to know how they got that result.
Read More → When does the 64-bit Unix time_t really end?UEFI booting FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10 in VirtualBox 4.3.24
VirtualBox 4.3.24 is out, so I wanted to try out the UEFI version of the latest FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10 snapshot. It didn’t go well until I realised something important, however strange it may be.
Read More → UEFI booting FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10 in VirtualBox 4.3.24\goodlinebreak in TeX and LaTeX
I am in great need of keeping long words set in teletype fonts on the same line of output in both TeX and LaTeX documents. Neither TeX nor LaTeX breaks the line ahead of teletype text when horizontal boxes overflow. The command \allowbreak exists in Plain TeX, and maybe it even existed in Basic TeX […]
Read More → \goodlinebreak in TeX and LaTeXReplicating an entire FreeBSD system using ZFS
I had a FreeBSD setup I wanted to replicate to another, identical computer. The source system runs ZFS and so should the receiving system. A recursive snapshot in combination with the zfs send and zfs receive commands proved most fruitful.
Read More → Replicating an entire FreeBSD system using ZFSFreeBSD – the ability to make a choice
… FreeBSD gives you the ability to make a choice how you want your boot prompt, splash screen, X login, desktop environment and applications. This, in my opinion, makes it very professional compared to systems that force a given set of settings upon the user, and there is no way to make a different choice. […]
Read More → FreeBSD – the ability to make a choiceesrever-utf-8.c
A few days ago I wrote a program that writes its reversed input to output. Here’s an UTF-8 version of that program. Beware, this program is not non-UTF-8 safe. Have fun. On second thoughts, maybe the source file should be named 8-ftu-esrever.c.
Read More → esrever-utf-8.cmosh and CygWin 1.7.34 64-bit
I have a new computer on my desk at work. Today I felt the need to install CygWin to get mosh up and running.
Read More → mosh and CygWin 1.7.34 64-bit