Toshiba Satellite laptop, Windows 8, and Secure Boot – what a combination!
A student’s Toshiba Satellite laptop equipped with Windows 8 and Secure Boot refused to shut down by simply pressing the power button. The solution is to hold down the Fn button prior to holding down the power button. Keep both buttons depressed until you hear the laptop actually shutting down. Boy, do I love Secure […]
Read More → Toshiba Satellite laptop, Windows 8, and Secure Boot – what a combination!Having trouble starting named from dns/bind99 automatically? Here’s how I solved it!
I tried to convince named from dns/bind99, as of r333563, to start automatically at (re)boot on stable/10 and head. My /etc/rc.conf file contains lines like these: named_enable=”YES” named_program=”/usr/local/sbin/named” named_wait=”YES” named_wait_host=”localhost” named_auto_forward=”YES” named_auto_forward_only=”YES” Eventually, I resolved the matter using the following patch: The tabs are missing, so you better apply this patch by hand. It’s not […]
Read More → Having trouble starting named from dns/bind99 automatically? Here’s how I solved it!RIP D.E.
Yesterday turned out to be a sad day. A colleague I continue to hold in high regard was found dead at his home. RIP D.E. :-(
Read More → RIP D.E.Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014: VBA failed to initialize. Please restart Inventor.
If you receive such an error message from Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014, you might need to reinstall the VBA 7 modules. See for more details. The short story is to shut down Inventor and reinstall the VBA 7 modules using either 3rdParty\x64\VBA\Vba7.MSI or 3rdParty\x86\VBA\Vba7.MSI from the installation media or from C:\Autodesk.
Read More → Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014: VBA failed to initialize. Please restart Inventor.Samsung rocks — Dell and HP have something to learn
Yesterday I downgraded a student’s laptop from Windows 8 to Windows 7. The student was assigned a legit MS DreamSpark product key in case you were wondering.
Read More → Samsung rocks — Dell and HP have something to learnNITO vs FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE
Fra #lilug@EFnet: Day changed to 01 Oct 2013 08:37:15 for dere NITO-frelste med utpreget sans for ordspill, så er FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE tilgjengelig: 08:55:05 < xxxxxxx> Haha
Read More → NITO vs FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASEZFS vs Btrfs
I came across this post comparing ZFS to Btrfs. The post is undated and that makes it a bit hard to verify the claims against Btrfs. Although I’m partial towards ZFS, I hope Btrfs catches up. Meanwhile, maybe I should check out Btrfs for myself. Update 2013-12-05: Someone named “sasfater” wrote me an email today […]
Read More → ZFS vs BtrfsEn pthreadimplementasjon av Donald Knuths vennlige troll med lamper i den ene neven
Her er en enda eldre utgave av Donald Knuths vennlige troll med lamper i den ene neven. Fila var opprinnelig datert 31. desember 2002.
Read More → En pthreadimplementasjon av Donald Knuths vennlige troll med lamper i den ene nevenDonald Knuths vennlige troll med lamper i den ene neven – rekursiv implementasjon
Det er mye rart man finner når man går gjennom gamle filer. Her er litt programkode som jeg knotta inn for 10 år siden. Denne fila var opprinnelig datert 4. januar 2003.
Read More → Donald Knuths vennlige troll med lamper i den ene neven – rekursiv implementasjon10 Gbit/s virtual wire speed in VirtualBox 4.2.16
I updated my FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT virtual machine today. It reached r255120 and it’s running with vtnet as its virtual network interface under VirtualBox 4.2.16. I noticed the vtnet0 interface gained 10 Gbit/s virtual wire speed. Previously the interface ran with only 1 Gbit/s virtual wire speed. The actual wire speed depends largely on the physical limitations of […]
Read More → 10 Gbit/s virtual wire speed in VirtualBox 4.2.16