While pondering why darkstat all of a sudden shows corrupted timestamps when running on FreeBSD/amd64 stable/9, I wrote a small program to decode the export format. The program is available using svn co svn://svn.ximalas.info/darkstattype or http://svnweb.ximalas.info/darkstattype/. The license is the 2-clause BSD license.

Read More → Decoding darkstat’s export format

I’m probably not paying enough attention to new developments in FreeBSD after all. After updating the installed ports in my VMs running base/head and base/stable/10, X11 stopped working. It turns out the new version of X.org requires KMS and what not in the kernel. This doesn’t fare well with VMs running inside VirtualBox. The solution? […]

Read More → WITHOUT_NEW_XORG=yes → true

If you’re like me, eager to test new stuff in FreeBSD, you might as well run a virtualized FreeBSD laboratory on your desktop. I use Oracle VirtualBox, but you might as well use Microsoft Hyper-V, real hardware, or some other contraption. Couple this with ZFS and boot environments, and you’re even able to rapidly revert […]

Read More → Your own virtualized desktop FreeBSD lab

Update 2015-01-05: I was more or less forced to adopt VT, UTF-8, KMS, and DRM2 when I upgraded my laptop from stable/9 to stable/10 in the time between Christmas of 2014 and New Year of 2015. My laptop, a Dell Latitude D531 of mid-2007 design, is equipped with the AMD/ATI Radeon X1270 GPU. What an […]

Read More → FreeBSD VT aka newcons in base/head

FreeBSD’s local_unbound DNS resolver was introduced in head in September 2013, and later in stable/10 when that branch became available. Its configuration out of the box, particularly its treatment of the /etc/resolvconf.conf, assumes the local_unbound resolver is the sole resolver to be used. The reason for this blog entry is that I appreciate being able […]

Read More → FreeBSD’s local_unbound in mobile environments

Enabling Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) on a Lexmark MS510dn is pretty well hidden. None of the first two suggestions by Lexmark worked on this model. (Suggestion 1, suggestion 2.) You need to send the printer a PJL command like this one: Why on earth can’t this option be available in the menus with the […]

Read More → Enabling PPDS on Lexmark MS510dn

Det er sjelden jeg kommenterer noe som ligner på politikk, men mine ord skal handle om teknikk. IKT-direktøren til NAV uttalte til digi.no at overspenning slo ut reserveløsningen, mandag 5. februar 2014. Dette kan tyde på at både lysnettet og dieselaggregatene var tilkoblet UPS-ene. Det er ikke uvanlig at det er overspenning i lysnettet i noen […]

Read More → NAV, UPS-er og veksling mellom lysnett og dieselaggregater