IPv6 RDNSS and DNSSL on Cisco IOS XE
The official documentation on Cisco IOS XE for Catalyst 4500E claims this is the syntax for specifying IPv6 RDNSS and DNSSL:
Switch(config)# interface Te1/1
Switch(config‑if)# ipv6 nd ra dns server 4::4
Switch(config‑if)# ipv6 nd ra dns search list aaa.cc.com
Using IOS XE 3.10.0E, the correct syntax for DNSSL is:
Switch(config)# interface Te1/1
Switch(config‑if)# ipv6 nd ra dns server 4::4
Switch(config‑if)# ipv6 nd ra dns‑search‑list domain aaa.cc.com
Sadly, the quality of Cisco’s documentation isn’t what it was back in 2006.