dec2dms.mms and tri_area.mms
I was looking at some old files and found these files containing MMIX assembly code.
The first file is a program for converting angles from a single value to sexagesimal notation, and back. The second file is a program for calculating the area of a triangle.
I have more MMIX code dating back at least 9 years, and some files are maybe close to 14 years old. I’ll see if I can manage to post those files too.
* Two functions for converting an angle from a single unit value to * degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds, and back. LOC #100 PREFIX :dec2dms: dec IS $0 d IS $0 m IS $1 s IS $2 t IS $255 :dec2dms FLOT t,60 t = 60.0; SET m,d m = d; FINT d,:ROUND_OFF,d d = floor(d); FSUB m,m,d m -= d; FMUL m,m,t m *= t; SET s,m s = m; FINT m,:ROUND_OFF,m m = floor(m); FSUB s,s,m s -= m; FMUL s,s,t s *= t; POP 3,0 return (d, m, s); PREFIX :dms2dec: d IS $0 m IS $1 s IS $2 dec IS $0 t IS $255 :dms2dec FLOT t,60 t = 60.0; FDIV m,m,t m /= t; FADD dec,dec,m dec += m; FMUL t,t,t t *= t; FDIV s,s,t s /= t; FADD dec,dec,s dec += s; POP 1,0 return dec; PREFIX :Main: argc IS $0 argv IS $1 h IS $2 arg1 IS $3 arg2 IS $4 arg3 IS $5 t IS $255 :Main FLOT arg1,60 arg1 = 60.0; FLOT arg2,36 arg2 = 36.0; arg3 = 0.0; PUSHJ h,:dms2dec h = dms2dec(arg1, arg2, arg3); SET arg1,h arg1 = h; PUSHJ h,:dec2dms (arg1, arg2, h) = dec2dms(arg1); SET arg3,h arg3 = h; PUSHJ h,:dms2dec h = dms2dec(arg1, arg2, arg3); SET t,0 t = 0; TRAP 0,:Halt,0 _exit(t);
LOC #100 PREFIX :tri_area: a IS $0 b IS $1 c IS $2 s IS $3 t IS $255 Pseudocode in C: :tri_area FADD s,a,b s = a + b; FADD s,s,c s += c; FLOT t,2 t = 2.0; FDIV s,s,t s /= t; FSUB t,s,a t = s - a; FMUL a,s,t a = s * t; FSUB t,s,b t = s - b; FMUL a,a,t a *= t; FSUB t,s,c t = s - c; FMUL a,a,t a *= t; FSQRT a,a a = sqrt(a); POP 1,0 return a; PREFIX :Main: argc IS $0 argv IS $1 h IS $2 a IS $3 b IS $4 c IS $5 t IS $255 :Main FLOT a,12 a = 12.0; FLOT b,15 b = 15.0; FLOT c,20 c = 20.0; PUSHJ h,:tri_area h = tri_area(a, b, c); SET t,0 t = 0; TRAP 0,:Halt,0 _exit(t); * Register usage: * * +---------------------+------+------+----+----+----+----+----+-----+------+ * | In Main before call | argc | argv | h | a | b | c | ? | ... | t | * | | $0 | $1 | $2 | $3 | $4 | $5 | ? | ... | $255 | * +---------------------+------+------+----+----+----+----+----+-----+------+ * | Inside tri_area | ? | ? | ? | a | b | c | s | ... | t | * | | ? | ? | ? | $0 | $1 | $2 | $3 | ... | $255 | * +---------------------+------+------+----+----+----+----+----+-----+------+ * | In Main after call | argc | argv | h | ? | ? | ? | ? | ... | t | * | | $0 | $1 | $2 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ... | $255 | * +---------------------+------+------+----+----+----+----+----+-----+------+