Author: Trond Endrestøl
Kjernevirksomhet og ekstra sysselsetting
Bare en organisasjon blir stor nok, så sysselsetter den seg selv med arbeidsoppgaver som ligger langt utenfor kjernevirksomheten.
Read More → Kjernevirksomhet og ekstra sysselsettingRicoh MP C5502 stuck at updating @remote certificate
Two Ricoh MP C5502’s exhibited the same symptoms, they were both stuck at updating their @remote certificates. If you have this problem, you’ll notice a message in the bottom left corner of the screen on the MFPs. The MFPs were fully functional, but nevertheless I wanted to get @remote up and running again.
Read More → Ricoh MP C5502 stuck at updating @remote certificateBlackboard Collaborate, Java Runtime Environment, and Windows 8/8.1
Strangely enough, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) fails to register javaws.exe as the handler for .jnlp files when installed in Windows 8/8.1. Just remember to choose javaws.exe, not java.exe nor javaw.exe. Further more, Blackboard Collaborate insists on using 64-bit JRE on 64-bit Windows, i.e. visit the directories and files usually found in C:\Program Files\Java, not the ones […]
Read More → Blackboard Collaborate, Java Runtime Environment, and Windows 8/8.1Manually rebuild Performance Counters
I tried to install some construction estimation software requiring MS SQL Server 2008 on a computer running Windows 8 only to encounter an unusual anomaly. MS SQL Server 2008 refused to install due to corrupted performance counters. The error message was kind enough to mention, but you should really go and visit
Read More → Manually rebuild Performance CountersDell Latitude E6430 and the firmware setting for Optimus video
A Dell Latitude E6430 had Windows 7 reinstalled this August, and the firmware was upgraded along to revision A15. Somehow the firmware setting for Optimus video got disabled and I regrettably missed the change. Today, while upgrading the firmware to revision A16, I spotted the disabled Optimus video setting. Thus, I enabled the setting, and […]
Read More → Dell Latitude E6430 and the firmware setting for Optimus videoForcing ZFS to choose 4K disk blocks aka ashift=12
A recent post to the Illumos ZFS list suggested using: to force ZFS to choose 4K disk blocks when creating zpools.
Read More → Forcing ZFS to choose 4K disk blocks aka ashift=12Revisjonssystemer for kildekode og konfigurasjon
Fra en fylkeskommune her til lands, kom følgende frem for noen år tilbake: En ansatt ved fylkeskommunens IT-avdeling hadde ikke lyst til å bruke revisjonssystemer for de skriptene som vedkommende produserte, fordi vedkommende ville ikke at de andre på avdelingen skulle se feilene som ble begått underveis. I samme tidsrom hadde vedkommende brukt mye tid […]
Read More → Revisjonssystemer for kildekode og konfigurasjonA 1×1 brush in GIMP
Sometimes we need to modify single pixels in our image files. Strangely, GIMP does not provide a 1×1 brush out of the box. Below are the settings you must use to create your own 1×1 brush.
Read More → A 1×1 brush in GIMPAutodesk Inventor Professional 2014 SP1 and Dell Inspiron 7520
A student had recently installed Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 SP1 on his Dell Inspiron 7520, running Windows 8.1. Inventor refused to run and crashed with a more or less useless crash report. It turns out that Dell or possibly someone else hadn’t properly installed the driver for the AMD Radeon HD graphics card. Catalyst Control […]
Read More → Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 SP1 and Dell Inspiron 7520Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015: Serious error: VBA failed to initialize properly. Please restart Inventor.
It’s the same story all over again. While preparing installation instructions for Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015, for my students, I came across an error I thought would have been fixed by now.
Read More → Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015: Serious error: VBA failed to initialize properly. Please restart Inventor.