Error 0x800F081F while installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 might be due to corporate WSUS servers not allowing such updates. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU in the Windows registry and set UseWUServer to 0 (zero). Restart the Windows Update service (net stop wuauserv & net start wuauserv) and retry installing .NET Framework 3.5. Set UseWUServer back […]

Read More → Error 0x800F081F while installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10

perfSONAR 4.0.2 is out. The system as a whole is still remarkably wedded to IPv4. Dual stack is preferred over IPv6 only. It’s tough luck if you succeed 100 % with the latter. CentOS/anaconda supports IPv6 RDNSS when configuring the DNS settings. Now, if only Cisco IOS XE would allow me to enter a domain name […]

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If you can’t edit formulas with MathType and you receive a cryptic error message: Word cannot open the document: user does not have access privileges In Norwegian this becomes: Word kan ikke åpne dokumentet. Brukeren har ikke tilgangsrettigheter. Check to see if any McAfee products are installed. Remove them, reboot the computer, and see if […]

Read More → MathType 6.9b, Word 2016, and McAfee products

Update 2017-11-13 r325743 corrected the mistakes. The below no longer applies. Remove /boot/loader.rc.local if you created it. /boot/loader.rc used to be copied from base/head/sys/boot/i386/loader/loader.rc on FreeBSD/amd64. With r325694 this changed to base/head/sys/boot/forth/loader.rc. Nothing was added to base/head/UPDATING, explaining this change. As instructed in /boot/loader.rc, to regain our beloved boot menu, we must create and edit […]

Read More → Boot menu changes in base/head r325694