Earlier this week Microsoft released another batch of Windows updates. Among them are KB3123862. As usual, the title displayed by Windows Update gives no clue to what this update actually does: “Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3123862)”. Clicking on the More information link reveal the following: Updated capabilities to upgrade Windows 8.1 and […]

Read More → Another bad KB? KB3123862

I upgraded Apache from 2.2.31 to 2.4.18 on one of my servers. For one particular directory and its subtree, I needed authentication from specific domain names and IP addresses only. If the request doesn’t come from one of the whitelisted domain names or IP addresses, then Apache shouldn’t bother asking the user for authentication, but […]

Read More → Apache 2.4 and authentication from specific domain names and IP addresses only

At work we switched from a Cisco Catalyst 3560G to a Catalyst 4500E a few weeks ago. Remember to issue the spanning-tree extend system-id command prior to enabling VTP version 3. During the test period, the Icinga instances logged packet losses of varying degree around the clock when doing ICMPv6 pings.

Read More → Lessons learned on Cisco Catalyst 4500E

After installing KB3114409, Outlook 2010 started only in safe mode, even when told not to do so. Removing KB3114409 solved the problem. QA at Microsoft keeps lagging behind. A few weeks ago, HTML email made Outlook 2013 crash due to “improved” font handling, courtesy of KB3097877. Others were unlucky and couldn’t login until KB3097877 was […]

Read More → Outlook 2010 and KB3114409