Update 2015-01-05: I was more or less forced to adopt VT, UTF-8, KMS, and DRM2 when I upgraded my laptop from stable/9 to stable/10 in the time between Christmas of 2014 and New Year of 2015. My laptop, a Dell Latitude D531 of mid-2007 design, is equipped with the AMD/ATI Radeon X1270 GPU. What an […]

Read More → FreeBSD VT aka newcons in base/head

FreeBSD’s local_unbound DNS resolver was introduced in head in September 2013, and later in stable/10 when that branch became available. Its configuration out of the box, particularly its treatment of the /etc/resolvconf.conf, assumes the local_unbound resolver is the sole resolver to be used. The reason for this blog entry is that I appreciate being able […]

Read More → FreeBSD’s local_unbound in mobile environments

See http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-xen/2013-August/001681.html and http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-xen/2013-August/001683.html. [R]emove [the] DVD device from [the] problem[atic] virtual machine: # xe vm-list params=uuid name-label=”<your-vm-name>” # xe vbd-list empty=true params=uuid vm-uuid=<your-vm-UUID> # xe vbd-destroy uuid=<vbd-UUID> I can confirm the above steps really makes a FreeBSD stable/9 amd64 XENHVM kernel tick on XenServer 6.2.0. stable/10 and head works out of the box without […]

Read More → Making a FreeBSD/amd64 XENHVM kernel boot on XenServer 6.2.0

Here’s a writeup of how I managed to persuade Subversion‘s svnserve running on FreeBSD to authenticate using SASL, Cyrus’ saslauthd, and LDAP on Novell eDirectory.

Read More → LDAP authentication for Subversion’s svnserve on FreeBSD using SASL, saslauthd, and Novell eDirectory

I upgraded Subversion 1.8.1 to 1.8.5 on some non-critical FreeBSD servers the other day. Normally I would run this command: portupgrade -fprv devel/subversion I noticed www/serf also needed updating, so this time I ran a command like: portupgrade -fprv www/serf

Read More → Trouble upgrading older Subversion on recent FreeBSD? You might be missing devel/scons

I tried to convince named from dns/bind99, as of r333563, to start automatically at (re)boot on stable/10 and head. My /etc/rc.conf file contains lines like these: named_enable=”YES” named_program=”/usr/local/sbin/named” named_wait=”YES” named_wait_host=”localhost” named_auto_forward=”YES” named_auto_forward_only=”YES” Eventually, I resolved the matter using the following patch: The tabs are missing, so you better apply this patch by hand. It’s not […]

Read More → Having trouble starting named from dns/bind99 automatically? Here’s how I solved it!