Category: FreeBSD
Anything related to FreeBSD
Making your own FreeBSD Subversion repository mirror
Not long ago it was announced that the FreeBSD ports tree will cease exporting its Subversion repository to CVS, and subsequently any use of CVSup for updating the ports tree will be discontinued by February 28th 2013. FreeBSD’s main source tree repository has been served by Subversion since late May 2008 with every commit done […]
Read More → Making your own FreeBSD Subversion repository mirrorWhen to create a ZFS filesystem?
Someone named “Edward M” posted on the freebsd-questions mailing list a question of when should we create a ZFS filesystem. I didn’t reply to any of the messages, but I decided to write this post expressing my view. In short, whenever a part of the filesystem hierarchy exhibits different characteristics, create one or more ZFS […]
Read More → When to create a ZFS filesystem?endofepoch.c
Jeg børstet støvet av noen tilårskomne filer forleden dag. Jeg fant et lite program som jeg skrev en gang i 2000. Programmet teller ned til slutten av Unix-epoken. Den opprinnelige definisjonen av datatypen time_t, 32-bit heltall med fortegn, vil få overflyt i midten av januar 2038. Moderne 64-bit OS som FreeBSD/amd64 9.0 har for lengst […]
Read More → endofepoch.cZFS Delegated Administration in FreeBSD
If you trust your users well, you might feel slightly less anxious and allow your users to create new filesystems below their own home directories.
Read More → ZFS Delegated Administration in FreeBSDNot enough room for wired pages?
One of my systems is running FreeBSD/amd64 9.0-STABLE and is using ZFS for all its worth. The amount of installed memory in this system is 8 gibibytes, which should be enough to please even ZFS’ ARC. After a few hours of uptime not everyone are happy, and one of those unhappy guys are GnuPG.
Read More → Not enough room for wired pages?Resizing mirrored ZFS root pool
George Mamalakis was having trouble with ZFS not detecting and utilizing his resized GPT freebsd-zfs partitions. Marco van Tol came to the rescue with a corrective procedure. Credit goes to George Mamalakis for raising the issue and to Marco van Tol for the solution. I’m just a simple bystander in comparison to these two, fine […]
Read More → Resizing mirrored ZFS root poolNew server and first attempt at running FreeBSD/amd64 with ZFS for all storage
The switch to new hardware finally happened. This is the first server to run FreeBSD/amd64 under my supervision. ZFS is used for all storage on this server. I chose to install the newly released FreeBSD/amd64 9.0-RELEASE, before upgrading to FreeBSD/amd64 9.0-STABLE by source. It’s just a matter of preference, given my 13-14 years of experience […]
Read More → New server and first attempt at running FreeBSD/amd64 with ZFS for all storageZFS root fs on FreeBSD 9.0
Gone are the old MFS root fs image and the sysinstall utility. To create a useable ZFS root fs from the 9.0-RELEASE DVD we must specify an alternate location for the temporary zpool.cache file and an alternate mountpoint for the ZFS root fs by using a command like: zpool create -o cachefile=/tmp/zpool.cache -m /tmp/zroot zroot […]
Read More → ZFS root fs on FreeBSD 9.0Colourful console in FreeBSD
I moved a few months ago. Moving from time to time is probably a Good Thing™. While going through my stuff, I came across a printout of this posting to the freebsd-stable mailling list back in 2007.
Read More → Colourful console in FreeBSDFreeBSD 9.0 as IPv6-only
At work we have native IPv6 connectivity along with IPv4. We’ve had IPv6 for nearly 5 years and IPv4 for the past 17 years. On 2011-08-16, I grabbed an IPv6-only snapshot of FreeBSD/i386 9.0-BETA1 dated 20110727 and started experimenting with internet life using only IPv6. This particular machine is a virtual machine running inside VirtualBox […]
Read More → FreeBSD 9.0 as IPv6-only