Author: Trond Endrestøl
FreeBSD/i386, stable/10, OpenSSL from ports, optimized assembly code, Dell PowerEdge 1950, Xeon X5450@3.00GHz, and BIOS 2.5.0
The strange combination of FreeBSD/i386, stable/10, OpenSSL from ports, optimized assembly code, Dell PowerEdge 1950, Intel Xeon X5450@3.00GHz, and BIOS 2.5.0, resulted in core dumps for all applications linked with OpenSSL from ports.
Read More → FreeBSD/i386, stable/10, OpenSSL from ports, optimized assembly code, Dell PowerEdge 1950, Xeon X5450@3.00GHz, and BIOS 2.5.0mosh 1.2.5 with IPv6 on CygWin
Finally, a CygWin package for mosh 1.2.5 is available. Run to your nearest CygWin mirror and update your system. If you’re new to CygWin, I advise you to select mosh, Perl, and OpenSSH, in addition to the base set of packages selected for you.
Read More → mosh 1.2.5 with IPv6 on CygWinCygWin 2.871 (64 bit) and mintty 2.1.1 – STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
mosh 1.2.5 is out, but not yet available as a CygWin package. I decided I should upgrade my CygWin installation in preparation. That proved not so fruitful. The new mintty 2.1.1 crashed with the infamous STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION stack dump. I’m a bit surprised there’s no mintty-debuginfo package as it would make it easier to know what’s […]
Read More → CygWin 2.871 (64 bit) and mintty 2.1.1 – STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATIONTeX Live 2015 on FreeBSD
Revision 392534 of the FreeBSD ports tree added TeX Live 2015. In the process, print/texlive-infra was replaced with print/texlive-tlmgr. If you already have TeX Live 2014 installed, e.g. print/texlive-full, then print/texlive-base conflicts with print/texlive-texmf and vice versa.
Read More → TeX Live 2015 on FreeBSDKB3035583
Microsoft is pretty sneaky. They camouflage their Windows 10 downloader, KB3035583, as a recommended Windows 7 update with no indication of what good this update does. Only by clicking on the first link is its true intention revealed. As a contrast, the dreaded KB976002 browser choice update was well marked with its intention even in […]
Read More → KB3035583Email is not so confidential after all
As implied by email protocols, the information in this message is not confidential. Any middle-man or recipient may inspect, modify, copy, forward, reply to, delete, or filter email for any purpose unless said parties are otherwise obligated. As the sender, I acknowledge that I have a lower expectation of the control and privacy of this […]
Read More → Email is not so confidential after allThe Erlang Master Classes
I had great fun watching the YouTube videos for “The Erlang Master Classes”, at The University of Kent, and typing Erlang code along the way. Go and see for yourself at Here are some thoughts from prof. Simon Thompson,
Read More → The Erlang Master ClassesAn exercise on ZFS clones
This is an exercise I made, just to remind myself of how snapshots and clones work in ZFS. Also, how to properly get rid of them when you’re short of diskspace, or the dataset listing is too long, etc. First, we have the shell script that demonstrates the rise and fall of the initial dataset, […]
Read More → An exercise on ZFS clonesUnofficial errata: FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS
I bought the ebook edition of FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS this June. While the authors’ intentions are good, the 2015-05-21 edition has some errors and mistakes. The table below is nothing more than an unofficial errata of said book. Beware, what you find below might be due to my lack of understanding FreeBSD, ZFS, or the […]
Read More → Unofficial errata: FreeBSD Mastery: ZFSUpgrading XenServer 6.2
Download the required updates. Extract the XS*.xsupdate files. Transfer the XS*.xsupdate files to, say, /tmp/xsup on the master. Login on the XenServer console. Delete old log files in /var/log, e.g. /bin/rm /var/log/*.gz. Create if necessary, and change directory to /tmp/xsup. Run: Run: Delete the XS*.xsupdate files from /tmp/xsup. Shutdown the running VMs and restart each […]
Read More → Upgrading XenServer 6.2