After long hours of googling at work and at home, I finally arrived at, stating this is the way to disable IPv6 autoconfiguration, say when you’re more keen on using a manually configured IPv6 address: netsh interface ipv6 set interface “Local Area Connection” routerdiscovery=disabled

Read More → Disabling IPv6 autoconfiguration in Windows servers

ICANN #44 is taking place in Prague these days. Sadly I was unable to attend, but the presentations are available in the open. Today’s IPv6 session would be the highlight in my very biased opinion.

Read More → ICANN #44

Last year we had the World IPv6 Day on June 8, 2011. This year we’ll have the World IPv6 Launch on June 6, 2012. According to this joint press release by Akamai Technologies, Inc., AT&T, Cisco, Comcast, D-Link, Facebook, Google Inc., Internet Society, Internode, Limelight Networks, Microsoft Bing, Time Warner Cable, and Yahoo!: Major Internet […]

Read More → Are you prepared for the World IPv6 Launch on June 6, 2012?

The World IPv6 Day is upon us. A handful of everyday web services such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai, and Limelight Networks, have turned on the use of IPv6 addresses for their servers and/or load balancers, but only for the next 24 hours or so. Why don’t you have a look the dashboard set up […]

Read More → World IPv6 Day 2011

While reloading a Cisco Catalyst 3560 running IOS 12.2(55)SE the other day, I noticed the switch stopped sending messages to the configured IPv6 enabled syslog host. Nothing appeared in the log files on the syslog host until I manually disabled and reenabled the log statement.

Read More → Logging messages from Cisco IOS 12.2(55)SE to an IPv6 enabled syslog host