Category: Microsoft Windows
Dell Latitude E7240 and Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260
Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 fails to notify Windows 7 when the SSID changes. The result is that the wireless interface retains the previous and possibly invalid IP addresses and other settings. The latest driver, A11, only a few days old, isn’t helpful at all. I usually avoid installing Intel’s own utility for managing wireless […]
Read More → Dell Latitude E7240 and Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260UEFI, GPT, Windows 10, FreeBSD 10, and rEFInd
Over the last few days have I experimented with UEFI and GPT in VirtualBox 4.3.26. The goal was to multiboot various operating system, in this case Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview 9926 x64 and FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10. First, I thought of persuading the UEFI firmware to always present its boot menu. It sure beats remembering to […]
Read More → UEFI, GPT, Windows 10, FreeBSD 10, and rEFIndExploiting Utilman.exe to recover Windows passwords
Sometimes you must do bad things to regain control of Windows. Yes, I know there are simpler ways, but this laundry list does work.
Read More → Exploiting Utilman.exe to recover Windows passwordsUEFI booting FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10 in VirtualBox 4.3.24
VirtualBox 4.3.24 is out, so I wanted to try out the UEFI version of the latest FreeBSD/amd64 stable/10 snapshot. It didn’t go well until I realised something important, however strange it may be.
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I have a new computer on my desk at work. Today I felt the need to install CygWin to get mosh up and running.
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Av og til kan man lure på om programmerere noen gang gjør fullstendig testing av programmene sine. PC|SCHEMATIC Automation trenger en real gjennomgang. Blir ikke PC|SCHEMATIC Automation avsluttet skikkelig, så blir *.$pr-filer liggende i katalogen til programmet. Dette blir oppdaget neste gang PC|SCHEMATIC Automation starter opp, og da starter en evigvarende runddans mellom å velge […]
Read More → PC|SCHEMATIC Automation og gjenopprettingsfilerBlackboard Collaborate, Java Runtime Environment, and Windows 8/8.1
Strangely enough, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) fails to register javaws.exe as the handler for .jnlp files when installed in Windows 8/8.1. Just remember to choose javaws.exe, not java.exe nor javaw.exe. Further more, Blackboard Collaborate insists on using 64-bit JRE on 64-bit Windows, i.e. visit the directories and files usually found in C:\Program Files\Java, not the ones […]
Read More → Blackboard Collaborate, Java Runtime Environment, and Windows 8/8.1Manually rebuild Performance Counters
I tried to install some construction estimation software requiring MS SQL Server 2008 on a computer running Windows 8 only to encounter an unusual anomaly. MS SQL Server 2008 refused to install due to corrupted performance counters. The error message was kind enough to mention, but you should really go and visit
Read More → Manually rebuild Performance CountersLong-running Windows 7 SP1, Cisco VPN Client, and “Reason 414: Failed to establish a TCP connection”
I’ve noticed that Cisco VPN Client tends to fail with “Reason 414: Failed to establish a TCP connection.” on long-running Windows 7 SP1. It’s been going on for years.
Read More → Long-running Windows 7 SP1, Cisco VPN Client, and “Reason 414: Failed to establish a TCP connection”Disabling IPv6 autoconfiguration in Windows servers
After long hours of googling at work and at home, I finally arrived at, stating this is the way to disable IPv6 autoconfiguration, say when you’re more keen on using a manually configured IPv6 address: netsh interface ipv6 set interface “Local Area Connection” routerdiscovery=disabled
Read More → Disabling IPv6 autoconfiguration in Windows servers