MMIX assembly language floating point number preprocessor – GNU Bison and GNU Flex version
Here’s a GNU Bison and GNU Flex version of my MMIX assembly language floating point number preprocessor. The code was developed using GNU Bison version 1.875d and GNU Flex version 2.5. This version allows for entering more complex expressions of floating point numbers involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Extending the grammar to cover trigonometric […]
Read More → MMIX assembly language floating point number preprocessor – GNU Bison and GNU Flex versionMMIX assembly language floating point number preprocessor – initial C version
Here’s the code for a C program I conceived during a rather boring night shift while performing national service some years back. The code was later refined using GNU Bison and GNU Flex for parsing the operand field, yielding the possibility of processing whole expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Instead of specifying IEEE […]
Read More → MMIX assembly language floating point number preprocessor – initial C versionUsing the C preprocessor from GCC to preprocess MMIXAL code
Work in progress! 9 year old files or so.
Read More → Using the C preprocessor from GCC to preprocess MMIXAL codedec2dms.mms and tri_area.mms
I was looking at some old files and found these files containing MMIX assembly code. The first file is a program for converting angles from a single value to sexagesimal notation, and back. The second file is a program for calculating the area of a triangle. I have more MMIX code dating back at least […]
Read More → dec2dms.mms and tri_area.mmsFreeBSD and WITH_ICONV
I’ve put WITH_ICONV=yes in my /etc/src.conf file on a few VMs running stable/9, and yes, I got burned. My beloved server named enterprise running stable/9 was also affected. :-/
Read More → FreeBSD and WITH_ICONVMissing the down-arrow on the right hand side of the URL address field in Opera?
Are you missing the down-arrow on the right hand side of the URL address field in Opera? That handy piece of GUI element makes it easy to remove entries from the URL history. According to this forum post, you can enable the down-arrow by visiting opera:config#UserPrefs|ShowDropdownButtonInAddressfield. Simply check the checkbox, hit the Save button, and […]
Read More → Missing the down-arrow on the right hand side of the URL address field in Opera?bootparttest
I’m following this thread with great interest, and I wanted to try bootparttest on one of my own computers.
Read More → bootparttestMoving ZFS datasets around eases the transition from CVSup to Subversion
I upgraded some of my virtual machines during my summer holiday. They are all running ZFS, but were neglected for so long that they were still updating their source and ports trees using CVSup. I began pondering how to migrate to Subversion with the least fuzz possible. Luckily, I had anticipated the switch to Subversion, […]
Read More → Moving ZFS datasets around eases the transition from CVSup to SubversionAlternative ZFS layout
I’ve been experimenting with FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT and an alternative ZFS layout for more than a year. The idea is to have a simple way of switching between boot environments. Thus, you have the opportunity of reverting to a previous boot environment without resorting to snapshots and rollbacks as you would with a sole boot environment. […]
Read More → Alternative ZFS layoutFizzBuzz
An acquaintant posted on IRC a link to Jeff Atwood’s Coding Horror blog and his post entitled “Why Can’t Programmers.. Program?“. The task should be straightforward: Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print […]
Read More → FizzBuzz