Month: August 2014
Revisjonssystemer for kildekode og konfigurasjon
Fra en fylkeskommune her til lands, kom følgende frem for noen år tilbake: En ansatt ved fylkeskommunens IT-avdeling hadde ikke lyst til å bruke revisjonssystemer for de skriptene som vedkommende produserte, fordi vedkommende ville ikke at de andre på avdelingen skulle se feilene som ble begått underveis. I samme tidsrom hadde vedkommende brukt mye tid […]
Read More → Revisjonssystemer for kildekode og konfigurasjonA 1×1 brush in GIMP
Sometimes we need to modify single pixels in our image files. Strangely, GIMP does not provide a 1×1 brush out of the box. Below are the settings you must use to create your own 1×1 brush.
Read More → A 1×1 brush in GIMPAutodesk Inventor Professional 2014 SP1 and Dell Inspiron 7520
A student had recently installed Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 SP1 on his Dell Inspiron 7520, running Windows 8.1. Inventor refused to run and crashed with a more or less useless crash report. It turns out that Dell or possibly someone else hadn’t properly installed the driver for the AMD Radeon HD graphics card. Catalyst Control […]
Read More → Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014 SP1 and Dell Inspiron 7520Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015: Serious error: VBA failed to initialize properly. Please restart Inventor.
It’s the same story all over again. While preparing installation instructions for Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015, for my students, I came across an error I thought would have been fixed by now.
Read More → Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015: Serious error: VBA failed to initialize properly. Please restart Inventor.pkg2ng – some notes from my experience
The announced EOL of the old pkg_* tools is coming fast. Here are some notes from my experience on converting from the old /var/db/pkg structure to the new SQLite 3 based approach, pkg(ng).
Read More → pkg2ng – some notes from my experience