I learned ZFS hides certain filesystem and pool properties from normal view. You need to know their names and specify them explicitly to get their values. Use the option -p to get the raw value of the filesystem properties. E.g. zfs get -p createtxg.

These 9 filesystem properties are hidden from normal view:

Name Purpose
createtxg The birthtime transaction group (TXG) of the object.
guid The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the object.
inconsistent Allowed values: 0 and 1?
iscsioptions ?
objsetid [I should re-read ch. 10 of “D&I of the FreeBSD OS, 2nd ed.”]
name The object’s name. This column is usually present in a normal listing.
numclones Number of clones. Set to - for normal datasets, set to ≥ 0 for snapshots.
? Listed as ZFS_PROP_STMF_SHAREINFO in the source code. Could be sharenfs and sharesmb in aggregate form.
unique ?
useraccounting Allowed values: 0 and 1? Probably tells whether the object should be considered when quota and refquota is in effect.

These 3 pool properties are hidden from normal view:

Name Purpose
maxblocksize The largest blocksize allowed in the pool.
name The object’s name. This column is usually present in a normal listing.
? Listed as ZPOOL_NUM_PROPS in the source code. Logic dictates this is the number of properties for each object.

See sys/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/uts/common/sys/fs/zfs.h for more information.