Consolidation of the mesa libraries in the FreeBSD ports collection
r400699 created some headache for me. The UPDATING file has so far nothing on the matter.
Read More → Consolidation of the mesa libraries in the FreeBSD ports collectionUnicode and stupid password rules
Unicode allows [for] even more stupid password rules. Your password must contain at least one of each of: upper case letter, lower case letter, title case letter, digit, currency symbol, punctuation character, ideogram, box character, emoji, Middle Kingdom hieroglyph, … Ref.:
Read More → Unicode and stupid password rulesNew memory for this server
The two old 4GB memory sticks were replaced by two new sticks of Kingston HyperX Savage DDR3 2133MHz 16GB, P/N HX321C11SRK2/16. ZFS’ ARC has never been happier.
Read More → New memory for this serverdevel/py-setuptools27
renamed to devel/py27-setuptools
r436290 renamed devel/py-setuptools27 to devel/py27-setuptools. Here are four portupgrade commands to make amends: Run similar commands for updating the origin of, say, devel/py-setuptools36 to devel/py36-setuptools.
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renamed to devel/py27-setuptools
Upgrading Qt4 and Qt5 after r434380
r434380 made massive changes to Qt4 and Qt5 in FreeBSD. Sadly, there are no instructions on how to upgrade an existing system. The changes to ports/head/UPDATING didn’t help at all. Here are the notes I made while upgrading my laptop running stable/11. To successfully install misc/qtchooser and upgrade the remaining Qt4 and Qt5 ports, you […]
Read More → Upgrading Qt4 and Qt5 after r434380Endeavours with Minix 3 and SMP
Running Minix 3 in Oracle VirtualBox is pretty straight forward. Running the development version of Minix 3 is also simple. Download and install the current release candidate, e.g. minix_R3.4.0rc4-72e11e2.iso.bz2.
Read More → Endeavours with Minix 3 and SMPProgrammer’s prayer
PROGRAMMER’S PRAYER Our program, who art in memory, called by thy name; thy operating system run; thy function be done at runtime as it was in development. Give us this day our daily output. and forgive us our code duplication, as we forgive those who duplicate code against us. And lead us not in frustration, […]
Read More → Programmer’s prayerCRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED BSOD on Dell XPS 15 9550
Earlier this week, a student walked into my office with his Dell XPS 15 9550 in hand. Sometimes his computer would behave, and sometimes, during heavy load, it would die with a CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED BSOD. Dell’s own recovery DVD image was unable to restore the computer to a working order. The support personnel at Dell suggested […]
Read More → CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED BSOD on Dell XPS 15 9550RSA keys in Cisco switches and routers
See also Cisco Bug ID CSCuz72344.
Read More → RSA keys in Cisco switches and routersMigrating ZFS from mirrored pool to raidz1 pool
I have a few FreeBSD servers I want to virtualise. They all use ZFS for storage, so I figured a zfs send/receive operation would suffice. The tricky part is estimating how large the disks on the receiving end must be. The raidz1 pool will be comprised of three (virtual) disks, After trial and error, I […]
Read More → Migrating ZFS from mirrored pool to raidz1 pool