Category: English
Stuff written in English
Disable BitLocker
Based on all the ruckus caused by KB5012170, if you are able, determine if BitLocker is active, and if so and if undesired, disable it on all drives before rebooting your computer running Microsoft Windows 10/11. It looks like my computer is in the clear. If it hadn’t been, then I would run these two […]
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Commit 94af43935c4e2709577cb4e4723daf9d7cb91494 removed PORTEPOCH for math/py-kiwisolver. The previous version number, 1.3.2,1, is considered higher than the current one, 1.4.3. py38-kiwisolver-1.3.2,1 > succeeds index (index has 1.4.3) Installation by force is the only way forward.
Read More → math/py-kiwisolver going from 1.3.2,1 to 1.4.3Netdata 1.35.1 and EOF found in spawn pipe
If you find the error message “EOF found in spawn pipe” in /var/log/netdata/error.log, then you should probably delete every file in the /var/cache/netdata/dbengine directory. Start Netdata. If this doesn’t help, then you have no choice but to blow away everything within /var/cache/netdata and start Netdata.
Read More → Netdata 1.35.1 and EOF found in spawn pipeports-mgmt/pkg vs security/base-audit
ports-mgmt/pkg 1.18.1 vs security/base-audit 0.5 doesn’t seem to agree on who should be responsible for /usr/local/etc/periodic/security/405.pkg-base-audit. I believe the latter port should take charge, but maybe I’m wrong. ===> Installing existing package /packages/All/base-audit-0.5.pkg Installing base-audit-0.5… pkg-static: base-audit-0.5 conflicts with pkg-1.18.1 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/etc/periodic/security/405.pkg-base-audit Failed to install the following 1 […]
Read More → ports-mgmt/pkg vs security/base-auditSafe directories in Git
I use Tig to browse local Git repositories, even bare mirrors. Recent versions of Git insist that your logged-in user owns all repositories you visit, making Tig fail with a surprising error message: tig: Not a git repository.
Read More → Safe directories in GitCisco IOS (XE) and OpenSSH 8.x
OpenSSH marches on and disables old and insecure algorithms. Sadly, Cisco IOS (XE) lags behind. Previously, I could do all scp operations from the cli in the switches. Now, I must do everything from the management station. For now, I can get by if I allow some of the older key exchange (key agreement) algorithms. […]
Read More → Cisco IOS (XE) and OpenSSH 8.xUnknown flavor ‘py39’, possible flavors: py38
I use Synth to build my own packages. On a test system running stable/13, Synth had issues with textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-applehelp@py39.
Read More → Unknown flavor ‘py39’, possible flavors: py38sysutils/tmux built by Synth on CURRENT
For some unexplained reasons sysutils/tmux fails to be built by Synth on CURRENT when the UTF8PROC option is set. The configure script simply fails to locate utf8proc.h.
Read More → sysutils/tmux built by Synth on CURRENTMicrosoft .NET Framework and Famic Automation Studio License Manager
Another month and another update for Microsoft .NET Framework (KB5008718). It’s the same sad story again.
Read More → Microsoft .NET Framework and Famic Automation Studio License ManagerInstalling Windows 11 21H2 October update in VirtualBox
I wanted to try out Windows 11 21H2 October update in VirtualBox but I came short when the installer thought I had unsupported (virtual) hardware.
Read More → Installing Windows 11 21H2 October update in VirtualBox