Disabling IPv6 autoconfiguration in Windows servers
After long hours of googling at work and at home, I finally arrived at http://www.excaliburtech.net/archives/192, stating this is the way to disable IPv6 autoconfiguration, say when you’re more keen on using a manually configured IPv6 address: netsh interface ipv6 set interface “Local Area Connection” routerdiscovery=disabled
Read More → Disabling IPv6 autoconfiguration in Windows serversStore og små leverandører
Eg jobbar i ein kommune, og ein ting er 100% sikkert: Det er mykje meir trøbbel med store leverandørar enn små. Eg kan ikkje komme på nokon unnatak. Dei små kan tilpasse seg ulike miljø. Dei store krev at miljøet tilpassar seg. Fra http://www.digi.no/926762/vurderer-aa-dumpe-microsoft-office.
Read More → Store og små leverandørerMaking a FreeBSD/amd64 XENHVM kernel boot on XenServer 6.2.0
See http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-xen/2013-August/001681.html and http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-xen/2013-August/001683.html. [R]emove [the] DVD device from [the] problem[atic] virtual machine: # xe vm-list params=uuid name-label=”<your-vm-name>” # xe vbd-list empty=true params=uuid vm-uuid=<your-vm-UUID> # xe vbd-destroy uuid=<vbd-UUID> I can confirm the above steps really makes a FreeBSD stable/9 amd64 XENHVM kernel tick on XenServer 6.2.0. stable/10 and head works out of the box without […]
Read More → Making a FreeBSD/amd64 XENHVM kernel boot on XenServer 6.2.0Trouble updating fresh Windows Server 2008 R2
While preparing new template images for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, after the first round of installing Windows updates this happened:
Read More → Trouble updating fresh Windows Server 2008 R2Replacing the BIOS battery on a HP Compaq Presario CQ56 – a complete disaster from an engineering standpoint
A student came into my office today and wondered if I could assist him with replacing the BIOS battery on his HP Compaq Presario CQ56 laptop. Sure, I said, not knowing what a daunting task I soon would be facing.
Read More → Replacing the BIOS battery on a HP Compaq Presario CQ56 – a complete disaster from an engineering standpointYour own port in the FreeBSD ports tree
Creating your own port in the FreeBSD ports tree makes 3rd party software maintenance at lot easier.
Read More → Your own port in the FreeBSD ports treeDell iDRAC6 and Oracle Java RE 7u51
The latest Oracle Java RE 7u51 at its normal level of “High” security causes the Dell iDRAC6 virtual console (version 1.95 (Build 05)) to die with this Java trace: java.lang.SecurityException: Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar: https://hostname.some.domain:443/software/avctKVM.jar at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployManifestChecker.verifyMainJar(Unknown Source) at com.sun.deploy.security.DeployManifestChecker.verifyMainJar(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.doLaunchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Simply […]
Read More → Dell iDRAC6 and Oracle Java RE 7u51Engineering and precision
Engineering needs precision, not context-based guessing. See http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/01/bitrot-and-atomic-cows-inside-next-gen-filesystems/?comments=1&start=219.
Read More → Engineering and precisionSSD manufacturers: Wake up!
I find it curious as to why most, if not all, SSD manufacturers are unwilling to disclose the physical disk, the page, and the erase block sizes selected for their SSD products. Such crucial information should be readily available to guide us, the more advanced users, to properly align our partitions and configure efficiency in […]
Read More → SSD manufacturers: Wake up!svnserve command line options
The svnserve(8) man page found in Subversion 1.8.5 is a bit outdated. For instance, the –compression option is not mentioned at all. This blog post will surely be outdated in (short) time.
Read More → svnserve command line options