Bursdagskalender med plain TeX
Det hender at jeg bruker plain TeX, selv om favoritten er og blir LaTeX. For noen år siden lagde jeg en bursdagskalender som regner ut hvor gamle folk blir. Under finner du et sensurert eksempel. Du kan sniktitte på denne PDF-fila dersom du lurer på hvordan en slik kalender kan se ut.
Read More → Bursdagskalender med plain TeXUpgrading a FreeBSD system running with ZFS as the root fs
Here’s a summary of the commands I issue when upgrading FreeBSD systems running with ZFS as their root file system.
Read More → Upgrading a FreeBSD system running with ZFS as the root fsWorld IPv6 Day 2011
The World IPv6 Day is upon us. A handful of everyday web services such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai, and Limelight Networks, have turned on the use of IPv6 addresses for their servers and/or load balancers, but only for the next 24 hours or so. Why don’t you have a look the dashboard set up […]
Read More → World IPv6 Day 2011Epson DiscProducer PP-100N and Total Disc Net Administrator 1.21
Last year at work we acquired an Epson DiscProducer PP-100N as an aid for creating in-house CDs and DVDs. No more manual labour other than creating the ISO images and designing the layouts to be printed on the disc’s surfaces, and yes, placing the finished discs in their paper envelopes or jewel cases.
Read More → Epson DiscProducer PP-100N and Total Disc Net Administrator 1.21How to forcefully upgrade all your FreeBSD ports using portupgrade
When moving from one major FreeBSD branch to another, you are almost compelled to upgrade all of your installed FreeBSD ports. If you move from the RELENG_7 branch to RELENG_8, as an example, the old pty interface is deprecated, and ports such as screen (sysutils/screen) must be recompiled and reinstalled to take advantage of the […]
Read More → How to forcefully upgrade all your FreeBSD ports using portupgradeHow to turn off Speed Dial in Opera
Sometimes new features are more annoying than useful. It gets even worse when you find no obvious way of disabling said features. In my case, Opera’s Speed Dial (Hurtigvalg in Norwegian) is such an example. Here’s how you turn off Speed Dial in Opera.
Read More → How to turn off Speed Dial in OperaRestricting NTP access
Here’s what I use in /etc/ntp.conf. The restrict lines below originated from Ubuntu. The iburst and maxpoll 9 settings are necessary in FreeBSD to avoid ntpd switching between PLL and FLL modes every now and then.
Read More → Restricting NTP accessSorting the VM list in VirtualBox
Since version 4.0.0 it became possible to sort the VM list in the GUI of VirtualBox. Sadly there is no mention on how to sort the list.
Read More → Sorting the VM list in VirtualBoxbeamer and hyperref on a collision course?
Some of my presentations are written in LaTeX, and more specifically using the beamer document class. One of the recent versions of the hyperref package (version 2011/04/07 v6.82e) crashes with the beamer document class (development version 3.10), or is it the other way around? Temporary and permanent solutions follows.
Read More → beamer and hyperref on a collision course?Oppgraderingstabell for FreeBSD
Jeg tenkte at jeg skulle dele med dere et lite avkrysningsskjema som jeg lagde i formiddag. Det er en god del ting som skal gjøres for hver FreeBSD-maskin i forbindelse med oppgradering. I stedet for å fortsette å bruke Post-It-lapper, så brukte jeg pdfLaTeX og lagde koden for skjemaet som dere ser under. Dersom du […]
Read More → Oppgraderingstabell for FreeBSD