Are you tired of desktop notifications in Google Chrome? Navigate to chrome://settings/content/notifications, and disable “Sites can ask to send notifications” near the top of the tab. Review the “Allow” section at the bottom. Click on the stacked dots button next to the entries that keep nagging you, and select “Block” or “Remove”.

Read More → Disable notifications in Google Chrome

After upgrading Citrix Hypervisor 8.0.0 to 8.1.0, all ISO CIFS SR became inaccessible. The CIFS shares are held by our Samba server and they are available read-only without any authentication. Manually adding a new ISO CIFS SR revealed that the username must be specified as \ (blackslash), indicating no domain name and no username. No […]

Read More → ISO CIFS SR inaccessible after upgrade to Citrix Hypervisor 8.1.0